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Evaluation Phase
When you are in this phase, 15% out of the total questions in the course will be presented to you from the various Blueprint areas. As you answer the MCQ in this phase, the system is learning what you do and do not know well. This will then inform the system how best to present MCQ to you in the RECON phase.
After completion of the Evaluation Phase, the RECON Phase and its progress bar will be enabled. During this phase, you will be presented with MCQ using our proprietary algorithm that is designed for your optimal retention of the study material. The RECON progress bar will reflect the percentage of correctly answered questions out of the total questions present in the course.
This takes into account all of your attempts during the entire RECON Phase.
Overall %:
Your Overall % reflects the percentage of questions you have answered for all of the questions you have attempted. This means that if you answered a total of 10 questions, with 5 being correct, your Overall % would be 50%.
Weighted Average:
The AICPA weighs Blueprint categories based on the amount of questions that will be on the exam from those various categories. For example, Category 1 may be weighted at 35% while Category 2 is weighted at 15%. This means that there will be more questions on the exam from Category 1 than Category 2. Your Weighted Score takes into account both your correct/incorrect responses to the MCQ as well as the Weightage of the categories for those questions.
Overall %:
Your Overall % reflects the percentage of questions you have answered for all of the questions you have attempted. This means that if you answered a total of 10 questions, with 5 being correct, your Overall % would be 50%
Trending Score:
Your Trending Score is calculated based on your most recent 250 MCQ attempts. The Trending Score calculation also takes into consideration the Weighted Average for each AICPA Blueprint area.
Important Note:
NINJA MCQ is designed in a way so that you should aim for a Trending Score between 80-85% for each Blueprint area and its associated subcategories. The software is adaptive in that it will feed you questions in a specific order for best retention, all based on what it has "learned" from your prior correct and incorrect answers. To improve your Trending Score in any one category or subcategory, select "By Topic" and then make your category/subcategory selection.