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Progress: FAR
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Study Session: FAR
You can select the number of MCQ you would like to answer or an increment of time. Make your choice, and then your study session will begin once you click "Start MCQ."
Study Session: FAR
Study Session
You can select the number of SIMS you would like to answer. Make your choice, and then your study session will begin once you click "Start SIMS."
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Important Note
NINJA MCQ has a new feature! This was requested by many of our members, so we built it into the system. When you select MCQ "By Topic" from your dashboard, you will now see "NINJA Book" as a tab next to the AICPA Blueprint. Some people prefer to read a chapter and then do specific MCQ on that topic. Using this new tab allows you to do that.
Please note: Your Trending Score, Progress Reports, and Session Results data will still use the AICPA Blueprint area. Your data for sessions where you use the new NINJA Book tab will still be found in your normal Trending Score, Progress Reports, and Session Results areas of NINJA MCQ. The NINJA Book tab is only there to allow you search for and answer questions based on the NINJA Book chapters.